Effect of Exercise on Cognitive Ability, Cardiovascular Fitness, and Quality of Life in Post-Stroke Patients: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis


  • Bertha Sylvester Maingu Masters Program in Public Health
  • Bhisma Murti Master's Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Vitri Widyaningsih Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret




Background: Following a stroke, cognitive ability, and cardiovascular fitness decline, exerting a substantial influence on physical rehabilitation and overall quality of life. Stroke management encompasses a multidisciplinary approach, with emerging studies highlighting the role of exercise in enhancing cognitive ability and cardiovascular fitness post-stroke. This study aims to analyze the effects of exercise on cognitive ability, cardiovascular fitness, and quality of life in stroke survivors, shedding light on potential therapeutic benefits.

Subject and Methods: The PICO Model eligibility criteria were employed to execute the article search including P= post-stroke patients; I= exercises C= standard care, O= cognitive ability OR cardiovascular fitness OR quality of life. The study extracted articles from PubMed and Science­Direct databases, with keywords "exercises" AND "cognitive ability" OR "cardiovascular fitness" OR "quality of life" AND "post-stroke patients". Inclusion criteria required full-text articles with rando­mized controlled trial (RCT) designs, focusing on post-stroke patients and evaluating improve­ments in cognitive ability, cardiovascular fitness, or quality of life. PRISMA diagram and Review Manager 5.4.1 tool were used to analyse the selected articles.

Results: 25 studies included in the review had 2,110 participants, across Asia; Australia, Europe, North America, and South America eligible for meta-analysis. The result indicated a positive effect of exercise on cognitive ability (SMD=0.68, CI 95% (0.21 to 1.16); p=0.005); cardiovascular fitness (SMD=0.63, CI 95% (0.17 to 1.08); p=0.007) and quality of life (SMD=0.60, CI 95% (-0.08 to 1.27); p=0.080).

Conclusion: Engagement in diverse forms and durations of exercise emerges as a crucial element in post-stroke rehabilitation. This intervention signifies a promising avenue toward enhancing cognitive abilities, and cardiovascular fitness, and potentially elevating quality of life among stroke survivors.


stroke, exercise, cognitive ability, cardiovascular fitness, quality of life


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