Effect of Antihipoglycemic Sechium edule Jacq. Swartz. Etanol Extract on Histopathologic Changes in Hyperglycemic Mus musculus L.
Background: Streptozotocin as diabetogenic can damage the pancreatic β cells of animals tried through the oxidative stress process to increase blood sugar levels. Giving ethanolic extract of squash fruit has hypoglycemia effect because it contains flavonoids that act as antioxidants and antihiperglichemia. This study aimed is analyze the effect of ethanol extract of squash fruit to decrease blood sugar level and the change of pancreatic β cell diameter.
Subjects and Method: This study was an experimental study with post-randomized controlled group design, using male white mice (Mus musculus L.) DD Webster strains randomized into 4 groups: negative control group, positive control group, group with extract ethanol of 100 mg/ kgBB, and a group of ethanol extract of 200 mg/ kgBW of pumpkin.
Results: The results showed a significant reduction in blood sugar levels if compared with the control group. The presence of changes in β pankreas cell diameter on ethanol extract of 100 mg/ kgBB and 200 mg/ kgBB.
Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is the extract of ethanol fruit of 200mg/ kgBB squash significantly reduce blood sugar level of mice, the change of β pankreas cell diameter on ethanol extract of 100mg/ kgBB and 200mg/ kgBB.
Keywords: streptozotocin, antihipoglikemia, flavonoid
Correspondence: Jekson Martiar Siahaan. Physiology Teaching Staff ofMedicine Faculty, Methodist University of Indonesia Medan, Jl. Setia Budi Pasar 2, Medan 20132, Indonesia.
Journal of Medicine (2017), 2(2): 86-93
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