Comparison of Pain in the Kocher and Midline Incisions in Patients with Post Cholecystectomy


  • Agus Yulianto Department of Surgery RSDM/ Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
  • Agus Raharjo Department of Surgery RSDM/ Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
  • Untung Alifianto Department of Surgery RSDM/ Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
  • RTH Supraptomo Department of Surgery RSDM/ Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta


Background: Incision techniques that are of­ten used in cholecystectomy laparotomy are the Koc­her incision and midline incision. This study was carried out to compare the pain in the Kocher's in­cision and midline incision in patients with post­operative cholecystectomy laparotomy.

Subjects and Method: : This study was an ob­ser­vational randomized controlled trial double sampling study conducted at the Department of Sur­gery Dr. Moewardi Hospital Surakarta in Octo­ber 2018 to February 2019. The sample of this study was 30 patients aged 18-65 years old who were diagnosed with symptomatic chole­lithiasis based on clinical, laboratory, and radio­logical tests. The samples were selected by simple ran­dom sampling. The dependent variable of this study was the pain. The independent variables were the Kocher and midline incision techniques. The pain was measured on a 24-hour post­ope­ra­ti­ve VAS scale, range 1-10. Data were analyzed by t-test.

Results: There was no significant difference in pain level between the Kocher group (Mean= 2.33; SD=0.72) and the midline group (Mean= 2.20; SD=0.97) with p=0.192.

Conclusion: There is no difference in pain level due to the Kocher incision technique and the mid­line incision technique.

Keywords: pain, incision, kocher, midline, cholecy­stectomy

Correspondence: R. Th. Supraptomo. Anesthesia dan Intensive The­rapy Department Dr. Moewardi Hospital, Sura­karta. Jl. Kolonel Sutarto 132 Jebres, Surakarta, Central Java 57126. Email: Mobile: 081229229567

Indonesian Journal of Medicine (2020), 05(03): 240-245




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