Mobile Health Assisted Self Monitoring in Heart Failure Patients To Ensure Quality of Life: A Scoping Review




Background: Heart failure leads to reduced quality of life, high hospitalization rates, mortality rates, and treatment costs where out-of-hospital self-monitoring can help with management and prevention of hospitalization and digital apps can help with this. The purpose of this review was getting all information of the studies regarding self-monitoring assisted by mobile health or digital application for heart failure patients.
Subjects and Method: Using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis Protocols for a Scoping Review (PRISMA-ScR), literature searches were developed by searching the databases:, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, Google Scholar. Following the eligibility criteria, articles that included were analyzed to get the result.
Results: Mostly the studies were conducted in 2016 and 2017 (20% each, n=5), less studies in 2018, 2019, 2020, and increased again in 2021 (16%, n=4). The studies were done 57% in USA (n=13), both Australia and Canada were 9% (n=2), and other countries. The designs of the studies were mostly RCT (74%, n=17). Sample size was variative mostly less than 50 participants (39%, n=9). There were 65% of the studies measured the daily body weight (n=15), others used vital signs 57%, medication adherence 39%, and other items. QoL was the most in the outcome (61%, n=14). Main findings mostly showed positive impact on self-monitoring with digital application.
Conclusion: Using mobile apps for heart failure patients’ self-monitoring created the positive impacts in the expected outcomes, mostly for quality of life.


self-monitoring, heart failure, quality of life

Author Biographies

Prof. Dr. Kemal N. Siregar, SKM, MA, PhD, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

Biostatistic Departement Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Budhi Setianto Purwowiyoto, SpJP(K), Cardiology & Vascular Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

Cardiac Rehabilitation  


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