Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
- The manuscript has followed the template available in the Template for Author, which can be found in the About the Journal
- The submission includes author name(s), affiliations, and contact information.
Author Guidelines
Download Author Guidelines IJM
Download Originality Publication Statement
The manuscript of abstract and full paper must be written based of original study results. There is no tolerance for plagiarism. The manuscript must be produced from the author's own studies, not the other author's studies, except for systematic review (meta-analysis). The manuscript submitted must have never been published at a national or international journal, or being submitted to the other journals.
B. Title
The author must provide important information under the title of the abstract as follows:
- Complete names of all authors. Please note only authors with significant contribution to the study can be included. No ghost author or gift/guest author is permitted for inclusion as an author.
- Name of the affiliated institution for each co-author
Contact correspondence should be provided under the abstract with information as follows:
- Complete name of the principal author (principal investigator)
- Name and address of the affiliated institution
- Active telephone number and email address of the principal author or the institution
Association with a sponsor or potential conflict of interest, if any, must be declared at the end of the full paper body text.
All manuscripts must be written in Word (.doc) format with Georgia font type. Left, right, bottom, top margins of the page are 2 cm, 2 cm, 2.5 cm, and 3.3 cm, respectively. Non-English words should be written in italics.
Name of a person (e.g. Drummond M) or a place (e.g. Oxford, UK) need not be written in italics. In the manuscript submitted, the figures and tables must be placed separately from the body text. But the author must indicate and write wherein the text the figure and table will be placed. The author must provide title of the figure at the bottom of the figure, and provide title of the table on its top row.
The abstract is a short summary of a full paper that is written based on an original study's results in the areas of epidemiology and public health. Indonesian authors are required to submit abstracts in Indonesian. International authors submit abstract in English. Word count of an abstract does not exceed 350 words in length, along with 3-6 keywords.
The abstracts are written in Georgia font type with structure as follows:
- Background
- Subjects and Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
Rows of the abstract should have single space. Abstract title should be typed in bold with 14 font size. Names of the author are bold typed in 11 font size and are located under the abstract title. Names of the author's institution should be typed in 10.5 font size.
Structured abstract is deemed important for it ensures that important information from the study results will not be missed by the author.
Background: It is comprised of 2-3 sentences that state the background rationale for conducting the study with its research question. The background ends with a sentence that states the aim of the study.
Subjects and Methods: This part comprises study design, study site, target population, sampling technique and size, dependent and independent variables of interest, method of measurement or instrument of variables, as well as method and model of data analysis.
Results: This part reports principal and important findings from data analysis. For a quantitative study, statement on findings of an association or effect of variables, or group difference, must be followed by the supporting relevant summary statistics that are written in bracket. These summary statistics include measure of association (effect) in point estimate, the interval estimate i.e. 95% Confidence Interval, and p value. The p value must be reported in three digit decimal, for example p=0.027. For example: a particular interpretation of an association (OR= 5.67; CI95% 4.44 to 9.23; p=0.027).
Conclusion: This part contains 1-2 sentences of conclusion. It may include policy implication of the findings, i.e. the consequence of the findings to the current policy. The author is not allowed to provide suggestion or recommendation that is beyond his/ her study (e.g. providing recommendation of an intervention based on a study by another researcher).
A full paper is a complete report from an original study that is written succinctly so that it is suitable for publication in a scientific journal. Authors are encouraged to submit full papers of a study in all branches of epidemiology and public health. Word count must not exceed 6,000 words in length. Keep in mind, this journal prefers the briefer one if it has to publish only one out of two full papers with similar quality. A maximum number of 8 tables and figures may complement the text of the full paper.
This journal accepts full papers of analytic quantitative studies, either experimental or observational. If it is experimental, the use of Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) design will increase the chance of acceptance since it by design provides more valid conclusion than quasi experiment. In addition, this journal accepts full paper of a qualitative study that uses good qualitative methodology.
Full papers must be written with "IMRAD" structure as follows:
- Background
- Subjects and Method
- Results
- Discussion
All articles must be type with Georgia font type in 11.5 font size, and 1.15 space between rows.
Background: This part must contain strong rationale for the author to have conducted the current research. The author must formulate the research question and refer the theories that are used to address the research question. This part ends with a statement of the study objective.
Subjects and Method: This part comprises research methodology that the author employ in the study, including study design, target population, study site, source population (accessible population), sampling technique and sample size, dependent and independent variable under study, measurement methods, as well as model and method of data analysis.
Results: It consists of two parts. Part one presents the characteristics of sample (study population), including variables under study. Description of the study population is important for it allows readers to apply properly the research findings on the association of variables (or effect of one variable on another) if there is shown to exist.
Part two presents the results of data analyses on the association of variables, the effect of one or more variables on another, as well as difference between or among groups. Results of data analyses must be accompanied by correct interpretation. This interpretation must be based on valid analysis. If it is an observational study, the interpretation that are used in the discussion section and conclusion should be based on multivariate (adjusted) analysis, instead of bivariate (crude) analyses.
If otherwise the author employs a randomized controlled trial (RCT), there is no need to use multivariate analysis. Typically a bivariate analysis is sufficient. This is because in an RCT, all of the potential confounding factors have been controlled for by random allocation procedure, by which each subject in the original sample the equal probability (i.e. equal chance) to be assigned into one of the study groups. Thereby all the potential confounding factors will be distributed evenly among the study groups, implying that they will not adversely bias any comparison analysis of the study groups.
Discussion: This part contains a discussion that relates and compares the current study results with theory that is used by the author to address the research question, as well the results of previous relevant studies. It ends with a paragraph that statesthe limitations of the study, conclusion, and policy implicaation. Please note that the "conclusion" is not placed in a separate section, but is written as a paragraph at the end of discussion. The author may add some recommendation, but bear in mind it should be based on the finding of the author's current study, not someone else study.
The authors must use Mendeley desktop application system for citation and reference of their articles. The authors must use Harvard citation and reference system, instead of Vancouver. Sources that can be used for citation and reference include original research articles as well as other scientific papers that have been published in a journal, presented in a scientific conference, or uploaded in the web. A limited number of books, thesis, and dissertation can also be used for citation and reference. Personal communication can not be used as a reference.
Name of authors that is written as citation or reference is the last name. This rule applies to all author names from all over the world, including Indonesian author. For example, citation on a paper by Azrul Azwar in 2009 is (Azwar, 2009), not (Azrul, 2009) nor (Azrul Azwar, 2009) following the phrase of paragraph cited. Alternatively, the authormay write as follows: According to Azwar (2009), ....or a study by Azwar (2009) found that, .....
If there are two co-authors cited, then both of their names must be cited. For example, (Probandari and Utarini, 2010). If citation involves more than two co-authors, then only the first author (principal investigator) is written. The remaining co-authors are represented as et al. For example, (Weinstein et al., 2007). If citation involves two or more groups of authors, then write these groups of authors separately by semi-colon. For example, (Utarini, 2003; Probandari and Utarini, 2010). If there are two citations of research articles or other scientific papers from the same author that are published within the same year, then add alphabet a and b after the year. For example, (Freeman, 2006a, 2006b).
The writing rule for reference folows the Harvard system.Write the last names of all co-authors, each last name is followed by initials of the first and middle names if any. These initials need not be separated by comma or period. If there are 7 authors or less, then all names of these authors must be written. But if there are more than 7 co-authors, then only the first 7 authors are written in the reference, and the remaininng co-authors are presented by the word "et al".
After writing all co-author names, write year of publication in bracket. Next write the title of the article in lowercase, except the initial of the first word is written in capital. Next write name of the journal; it may be written in complete name of the journal or its standard abbreviation. Next write the volume, number, and page numbers.Order this list of reference by alphabet., with A being the foorst, and Z the last.
Author of an article does not necessarily a person. It can also an organiation (e.g. WHO, CDC). Reference needs not be written in italics. This rule applies for journal name, book title, and the like. For example:
Brown GC, Brown MM, Sharma S, Brown H, Smithen L, Leeser DB, Beauchamp G (2004). Value-based medicine and ophthalmology: an appraisal of cost-utility analyses. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc.; 102: 177-188.
Note the punctuations seen in the examples. If there are more than 7 co-authors, only the first 7 authors are written in the reference, while the remaininng co-authors are represented by the word "et al". For example:
Argent A, Kissoon N, Devictor D, Madden M, Singhi S, et al. (2009). Response to: Twenty-three thousand unnecessary deaths every day: What are you doing about it? Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 10 (5): 610-612
The rule for writing a book reference is as follows. After writing the author's name and year of publication, write book tile in lowercase, except the initial of first word of the book title. Then write the city where the publisher is located, colon, and name of the publisher. Finaly, write the page(s) cited from that book. For example:
Fletcher RH, Fletcher SW (2005). Clinical epidemiology. The essentials. Edisi ke 4. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Reference from the website is allowed but no more than 10% of the total number of reference. Cite month and year of the article accessed from the web.
WHO (2009). Key strategies for promotion of breastfeeding: Facts and figures. World Health Organization Western Pacific Region.
It is imperative to follow the rule for reporting research statistics as follows. For a quantitative study, statement or interpretation on findings of an association or effect of variables, or group difference, must be supported by relevant summary statistics that are written in bracket behind the statement. These summary statistics include measure of association,the effect of one or more variables on another, or difference between or among groups.
Use dot (period), instead of comma, to express decimal. All research statistics, except p value, must be written two decimal behind the period dot. For example, mean blood presssure 125.70 mmHg., SD 40.55 mmHg. All test statistics must be written two decimals behind the period dot. For example, X2= 3.84, or t= 2.56, or F= 9.44.
The p value must be written in 3 decimals behind the dot period. For example, p= 0.007, or p=0.020. If the p value is very small, for example 0.00003, then write it as p<0.001. The author is not allowed to write the p value as p<0.05 or p>=0.05. The author is not allowed to report the results of statistical test as Ho accepted or Ho rejected. Instead, report statistical significance of an asssociation, effect, or group difference in terms of p-value.
It now becomes an international standard to report an association, effect, or group difference, in terms of point and interval estimates. Make sure that you report the point estimate andthe interval estimates with 95% Confidence Interval (95%CI). The lower bound and upper bound should be separated by the word "to" instead of - ("dash"). For example: OR= 5.65; CI95% 3.27 to 7.05, instead of OR= 5.65; CI95% 3.27 - 7.05.
IJM uses Mendeley Desktop application system as the citation and reference manager for articles published in this journal. The following is Mendeley desktop application system guideline:
- Install Mendeley Desktop application on your computer.
- Search "Mendeley" from web browser (e.g. Google Chrome or Mozilla firefox)
- Register to Mendeley by clicking "Sign-in to Mendeley"
- Enter your email address and password
- Download Mendeley Dekstop application -> install it to your computer
- The following is step by step instruction for using Mendeley Desktop software:
- Open Mendeley Desktop application -> create new folder in Mendeley Desktop -> click add file -> insert your article file
- Article will appear in Mendeley Desktop as follows:
- Open your file where you will put citation
- Click "reference", then click "insert citation"
- Direct cursor on file -> click "Cite"
- Citation result will appear as follow :
- Open Mendeley Desktop application -> create new folder in Mendeley Desktop -> click add file -> insert your article file
- The following is step by step to show reference
- Click "Reference"-> "Insert Bibliography"
- Reference result will appear as follows:
- Authors must make sure that citation and reference manager follow Harvard system, so that the format of the article to publish follows the Harvard system. On Reference menu, Style sub-menu, select Harvard.
- Download Mendeley Dekstop application -> install it to your computer
- Click "Reference"-> "Insert Bibliography"
This scientific writing guideline is prepared to help authors in writing and publishing article in the Indonesian Journal of Medicine.
Assistant Editor